Emoji time!

Emojis are images like faces, weather, food, animals and activities we use in text messages, emails and online. Emojis are a way to share our feelings like show humor or affection in our messages. Emojis have turned into a creative language of their own.

  • Tell a story. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what each emoji is communicating. Tell a story of the situation where you’d use each of these emojis.

  • Name it. Give a name to the feeling behind each of these emojis. Explain to you friend. Did you come up with different answers?

  • Practice. Can you make a silly face? What about a confused one? Can your friend guess which emoji you’re trying to do?

  • Design. Make your own emoji. Think about a feeling you’ve had and how to make it into an emoji. Use materials like paper, cardboard and glitter.


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